Photography courtesy of peacelovefoto.


take a seat and let us do the magic


Get to know us ;)

You may wonder why we’ve chosen a Marigold for our salon’s logo. Marigolds are known as “companion plants.” If you plant one next to any vegetable garden, the vegetables will grow big, strong and healthy, protected from pests and harmful weeds. It’s as if marigolds know their job is to love and protect their neighboring plants and in return, they flourish too. Marigolds also symbolize passion and creativity. Known as “the herb of the sun,” it’s associated with the brave and courageous lion’s (MANE). 

With all that in mind, our culture is based around the idea that people can be MARIGOLDs too.  The MARIGOLDs are the friends that stand by us through thick and thin; the friends who love us just the way we are; the friends who encourage us to be our best. Much like the plant, our friends that help us build a community and grow together. So find your marigolds and keep them close.